Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We went to dinner at a friends house last week and he had some great pine cones from some ponderosas at his house. All the pine cones around here are from spruce trees and not all that cool. I read that a great project for preschoolers is to paint pine cones with peanut butter and then roll them around in sesame seeds to make a bird feeder so we gave it a try. It was fun. Lucy really liked it. We tied one up in a bird house in the back yard and another at the end of a limb in the back yard. The next morning Lucy was very excited to see if we had any birds and then was very disappointed to discover the squirrels had got the one tied to the limb. And the one in the bird house hasn't been touched. Maybe it's too cold still.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Damn squirrels!!
I put my birdfeeder out Monday, and I still haven't had any birds although I can hear them. I hope you get some, though, for Lucy.