Wednesday, May 7, 2008

peanut butter torte

I was so excited to make this dessert, with good reason. It was so delicious. However, being time to get into a bathing suit, I had some trouble with it. I'm really hoping next weeks pick will be something not so fattening. And I'm one of those that thinks if you're eating dessert, you might as well eat dessert. I don't like to goof around with low-fat, no-fat, I prefer desserts as they're meant to be.

I was scared of this one. Whipping cream, cream cheese, peanut butter, Oreos (which I have a serious distaste for), what's a girl to do? I ended up taking this to two different dinner parties and still had two pieces left which my husband put down no problem. He has an incredible metabolism. He's been weighing himself before bed and again in the morning and somehow while he's sleeping he loses seven pounds. Why doesn't that ever happen to me?


Gretchen Noelle said...

Oh my gosh - seven pounds?!! What a dream! Great torte! I hope you enjoy next weeks recipe too!

CRS said...

How nice of your husband to share his overnight weight loss with you. The torte looks great, and it's definitely one to share with others!

Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

Men! You should administer Spam injections into him while he sleeps. ;)


marae said...

ha ha i lose 5 lbs between night and morning too...but then in the space of a day i gain it back! part of why i never weigh myself!! it's way more fun to eat tortes instead. :) yours looks YUMMY!

Jacob and Elizabeth said...

I ate the rest of my Oreo package myself in two separate seatings. How could you hate them? It's like my secret love for American processed cheese. Little ashamed to admit it.

Melissa said...

Isn't men's weight loss annoying?!?! And they seem to think that because it's easy for them, it should be easy for us!

Sarah said...

You don't like Oreo's!?! How could you not like Oreo's? Have you tried the double stuffed?
I was pretty excited about how quickly my baby fat was coming off that I thought I no longer need to work out or watch what I can guess what happened next. It would be my dream to eat all I want and lose all the weight while I slept! Some people have all the luck!