Friday, April 25, 2008


So in our house we have a thing about chili. I really like it and my husband (his name is Ross) only likes Nalley out of the can. I find that to be about the most absurd thing I've ever heard and I'm always trying new recipes to persuade him away from this liking. I never works and about three years ago I stopped trying. For some reason when an issue of Cuisine at Home came with a recipe for Italian Chili I decided to try it. It wasn't very good and I ended up putting it in the freezer hoping I would eat it when Ross was away, knowing full well I probably wouldn't.

Well, when I was looking through Baking, From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan I came upon a recipe for Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins I thought to myself, 'what a perfect time to try and get Ross to eat that chili he didn't like'.

Well, the muffins were good but I was frustrated that the paper was stuck to the muffins. But the flavor was really good. Then when I was putting the kids to bed and opened the microwave to warm their milk, there was the butter I had melted and left to cool before putting it in the batter. No wonder. That's what you get for multitasking. "Mamma, I wanna take a bath, mamma, I wanna take a bath, mamma, I wanna take a bath", all the while making dinner and blogging.

So I remade them this morning and they were really good.

And the chili was so much better after sitting in my freezer for two months.


Mama Mia said...

the chili looks great! Your kids are adorable :)

Sarah said...

Randy likes the Nalley chili, too. I think it's fowl and have come to the conclusion that it's the reason why I'm not a big fan of chili. Yours looks really tasty, though, with all the cheese on top!:) Gotta love cheese!
At least you can multitask. I'm impressed when I can walk and drink water at the same time...

Megan said...

I have to laugh, your comments about trying to make dinner, think for yourself all while answering the demands of children are all too familiar to me - my children are 8 and 10 now and it's still the same thing! I started my blog for the same reasons - so my brain doesn't turn to oatmeal!!